Vorwarts Pharma
Wormitel - release
organism from helminths

Wormitel contains 5 components of direct
anthelmintic action
Pumpkin seed extract (cucurbita pepo)
Walnut leaf extract (juglans regia)
Garlic extract
(allium sativum)
Wormwood extract (artemisia absinthium)
Thyme extract (thymus vulgaris)

Why Wormitel ™?
  • Effective
    Each of the 5 components has a direct anthelmintic effect
  • Complex
    Eliminates helminths, restores the intestinal mucosa damaged by helminths, eliminates intoxication, allergy, improves digestion and appetite.
  • Safe
    No synthetic anthelmintic components, no toxic effects on the body. Growth extracts have been comprehensively studied, with many years of experience in their application.
Helminths around us

According to the World Health Organization

1.2 billion people are infected with helminths


80% of them are CHILDREN!
Infection routes:
Fruits and vegetables

Failure to comply with the rules for processing vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs before use.


Dogs and cats can spread the eggs of worms, bringing them from the street on their paws, wool.

Hand hygiene

Poor hand hygiene after returning from the street, after playing in the sandbox, the habit of biting nails, sucking fingers, holding various objects in the mouth (pencils, pens, toys, etc.)


Water from wells that has not been boiled may contain eggs of worms. Contact with water on the face and mouth while swimming in urban waters.


Banknotes and coins carry hundreds of worm eggs on their surface.


There is a record number of worm eggs on the surface of telephones, but telephones are with us both on pillows and during meals.

The consequences and complications of helminthiasis are very dangerous!

  • Indigestion

  • Loss of vitamins and minerals by the body

  • Metabolic disease

  • Body intoxication

  • Skin lesions and rashes

  • Strengthening allergic manifestations

  • Increased incidence of infectious diseases

  • Immunity disorders

More about Wormitel ™


Helminths get rid of.

Supports the normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, gallbladder, intestines).


Improves appetite, digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, micro and macro elements.


Contributes to the overall strengthening of the body.

How to take Wormitel ™

Orally from 3-5 years, 5 ml 2 times a day; from 5-12 years old, 5 ml 3 times a day; from 12 years old and adults 10 ml 2 times a day

15 minutes before meals

The course of admission is 10-14 days

Online-partners Vorwarts Pharma where you can buy Wormitel ™

You can get acquainted with the possibility of buying Wormitel ™here:


Do you have any questions about Wormitel ™?
You can ask Vorwarts Pharma managers about the Wormitel ™ product at the link below
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